As we approach the end of the school year, we are proud to announce achievements received by our faculty this Spring semester. These awards highlight their contributions to both research and teaching.

Prof. Sanmay Das Awarded ACM Distinguished Member

Congratulations to Sanmay for being named an ACM Distinguished Member. This recognizes his contributions to AI and economics, AI for social good, and his active involvement in the academic community.

Prof. Thomas LaToza Received GMU Teacher Award

Thomas has been honored with the George Mason University Teacher of Distinction. This acknowledges his teaching practices and dedication to students.

Prof. Antonios Anastasopoulos Named Recipient of the GMU Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence in Research

Antonios has been recognized with the GMU Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence in Research for his research contributions in the domain of computational linguistics and NLP.

Prof. Mingrui Liu Received Cisco Faculty Research Award and Featured in AAAI New Faculty Highlights

A double congratulations to Mingrui for receiving the Cisco Faculty Research Award and being selected for the AAAI New Faculty Highlights. These recognize his research in ML theory and position him as a rising figure in the field.

Prof. Wing Lam Won NSF CAREER Award

Congratulations to Wing for receiving the NSF CAREER award for his research on Flaky Tests. Learn more. This marks the 27th NSF CAREER award at the CS dept and maintains our streak of winning at least one such award every year since 2018.

Prof. Songqing Chen Became an IEEE Fellow

Songqing has been named an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to Internet streaming, content delivery, and security. 

Congratulations ! !